Saturday, November 21, 2009


I've got my new twitter background set. I'm still trying my best to network in the BDSM world. My sub is all about blogging, but not twitter. We've come a long way, but still have a ways to go. Still trying to figure out when and how to squeeze in this lifestyle. It's hard with work, school, a child, a busy house and life in general.

I would love to hear your comments.


  1. Sir and I are blessed (BDSM-wise) in that I don't work outside the home and we don't have children. Still, even under those circumstances, we have to plan. I would guess that if we have to plan, you definitely have to plan.

    I have found that planning really doesn't hurt the mood of the scene/interaction. Spontaneity is nice, but in BDSM, Doms often plan the content of scenes, so why not the time, the place, and the babysitter?

    Even with our relatively open schedules, Sir and I would probably never have "quality" sessions if we didn't make regular "appointments" with each other.

    I don't know how hard that would be to do in your circumstances, but I wish you the best in working it out!

  2. We can completely relate. When we chose this path we still had kids at home. There was a huge learning curve in trying to build this new lifestyle into our existing one. Even with the kids gone Real Life still manages to get in our way more often than we would like. All that coupled with a stubborn streak a mile wide in my female. We have been working on this for around 3 years, and only recently has she begun to truly submit. In addition to her stubbornness, I have had to overcome a lifetime of living by the belief that a man should never hit a woman under any circumstance. Imagine my surprise when I found out that not only did I enjoy it, but it turns her on something fierce. It been a long road for us, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. We have both learned alot about ourselves and are looking forward to all the things yet to learn.
    We do alot of planning for our scenes. I have to get up before the sun for work, so I am usually wiped by the time I get home during the week. That leaves us the weekends, provided other obligations don't get in the way. So like the lady above said, you are not alone.
